Amanda Grell, M. Ed


Remaining teachable is a fundamental aspect of growth and progress in any pursuit. Whether tackling a new skill, navigating a challenging situation, or advancing in a career, maintaining a mindset open to learning is key. It enables me to adapt to changes, acquire new knowledge, and refine existing abilities.

I strive to approach endeavors with a teachable attitude, humility, a willingness to listen, and an openness to feedback.


Leadership is not about simply being in charge; it is about inspiring others to achieve greatness, fostering collaboration, and setting a positive example. As a leader, it is important to listen to different perspectives, make tough decisions when needed, and empower those around you to reach their full potential. True leadership is not about dictating orders, but about guiding and supporting your team towards a shared goal. I strive to be a great leader who leads with integrity, empathy, and a commitment to bringing out the best in others.


To grow in skills is a continuous journey of learning, practice, and refinement. It involves stepping out of my comfort zone, embracing challenges, and seeking new experiences. Whether it's honing technical expertise, developing soft skills, or mastering a new hobby, each skill acquired adds depth and versatility to my repertoire. By staying curious, being open to feedback, and committing to improvement, I strive for continuous personal and professional growth. Skill development is not just about the destination but the enriching path of growth I traverse along the way.